A Work Order type of "Other" should be reserved for non Kit To Stock Warehouse Projects such as product barcoding, FNSKU labeling, bubble wrapping, and over boxing.

A Work Order type of "Other" can encompass any SKU Type (i.e. "Finished Good", "Component", "Kit To Stock") except for Kit to Order.


Before creating a Work Order of "Other" be sure to confirm that you have sufficient inventory needed in the warehouse that will complete the project.

Creating an "Other" Work Order is a 2 step process:

  1. Create a Sales Order via the Sales Order Endpoint to encompass the Work Order.


The warehouse will complete the product and β€œship” the work order, thus decrementing the inventory that was listed on the work order.

  1. Create, an Inbound Shipment via the Inbound Shipments Endpoint.


An Inbound Shipment is needed so that the Warehouse may receive the items back into inventory.