Kit To Stock
Kit-To-Stock Projects must be approved and reviewed by the Warehouse before Kit To Stock Work Orders are created. Please initiate the request with your W2G Client Success Manager before creating a Kit To Stock Work Order.
Kit to Stock Work Order's are requests made to a Warehouse to product a Kit to Stock Item.
Kitting projects are built on forecasted consumption (i.e., on a set amount you anticipate selling) and consist of multiple components that are combined and stored as one kit-to-stock SKU, which is setup in the product catalog. During order fulfillment, the kitted SKU is picked and shipped the same way as a single SKU using the packing preference indicated for the kit-to-stock SKU in the product catalog.
The kitting instructions and images you included in the product catalog are compiled into a pdf that is shared with the warehouse when you submit the kit-to-stock work order. If you want to update your kitting instructions and/or images, edit the SKU in the product catalog before submitting your Work Order.
Before creating a Kit-To-Stock Work Order be sure to confirm that you have sufficient inventory of all Kit Components in your Warehouse of choice.
Creating a Kit-To-Stock Work Order is a 2 step process:
- Create a Work Order via the Sales Order Endpoint populating all required fields.
When a a Kit to Stock order is received, the Warehouse will create the Kit to Stock items and “ship” the work order, thus decrementing the component inventory.
- Create, an Inbound Shipment via the Inbound Shipments Endpoint populating all required fields.
An Inbound Shipment is needed so that the Warehouse may receive the Kit to Stock product into inventory.
Once the Kit to Stock item is received into inventory, then an Outbound Order can be created to ship
out the Kit to Stock Item.
Updated about 1 year ago